var H5P = H5P || {}; /** * DragQuestion module. * * @param {jQuery} $ */ H5P.DragQuestion = (function ($) { window.my_globals = { correctDZs : 0 }; /** * Initialize module. * * @class * @extend H5P.Question * @param {Object} options Run parameters * @param {Number} id Content identification */ function C(options, contentId, contentData) { var self = this; var i, j; = this.contentId = contentId;, 'dragquestion'); this.options = $.extend(true, {}, { scoreShow: 'Check', correct: 'Show solution', tryAgain: 'Retry', feedback: 'You got @score of @total points', question: { settings: { questionTitle: 'Drag and drop', size: { width: 620, height: 310 }, dropZoneHighlighting: 'dragging', autoAlignSpacing: 2 }, task: { elements: [], dropZones: [] } }, behaviour: { enableRetry: true, preventResize: false, singlePoint: true, showSolutionsRequiresInput: true } }, options); this.draggables = []; this.dropZones = []; this.answered = (contentData && contentData.previousState !== undefined && contentData.previousState.answers !== undefined && contentData.previousState.answers.length); this.blankIsCorrect = true; this.backgroundOpacity = (this.options.backgroundOpacity === undefined || this.options.backgroundOpacity.trim() === '') ? undefined : this.options.backgroundOpacity; // List of drop zones that has no elements, i.e. not used for the task var dropZonesWithoutElements = []; // Create map over correct drop zones for elements var task = this.options.question.task; this.correctDZs = []; for (i = 0; i < task.dropZones.length; i++) { dropZonesWithoutElements.push(true); // All true by default var correctElements = task.dropZones[i].correctElements; for (j = 0; j < correctElements.length; j++) { var correctElement = correctElements[j]; if (this.correctDZs[correctElement] === undefined) { this.correctDZs[correctElement] = []; } this.correctDZs[correctElement].push(i); } } correctDZs = this.correctDZs; this.weight = 1; // Add draggable elements for (i = 0; i < task.elements.length; i++) { var element = task.elements[i]; if (element.dropZones === undefined || !element.dropZones.length) { continue; // Not a draggable } if (this.backgroundOpacity !== undefined) { element.backgroundOpacity = this.backgroundOpacity; } // Restore answers from last session var answers = null; if (contentData && contentData.previousState !== undefined && contentData.previousState.answers !== undefined && contentData.previousState.answers[i] !== undefined) { answers = contentData.previousState.answers[i]; } // Create new draggable instance var draggable = new Draggable(element, i, answers); if (self.options.question.settings.dropZoneHighlighting === 'dragging') { draggable.on('drag', function () { self.$container.addClass('h5p-dq-highlight-dz'); }); draggable.on('dropped', function (event) { self.$container.removeClass('h5p-dq-highlight-dz'); }); } draggable.on('interacted', function () { self.answered = true; self.triggerXAPIScored(self.getScore(), self.getMaxScore(), 'interacted'); }); draggable.on('leavingDropZone', function (event) { self.dropZones[].removeAlignable($); }); this.draggables[i] = draggable; for (j = 0; j < element.dropZones.length; j++) { dropZonesWithoutElements[element.dropZones[j]] = false; } } // Create a count to subtrack from score this.numDropZonesWithoutElements = 0; // Add drop zones for (i = 0; i < task.dropZones.length; i++) { var dropZone = task.dropZones[i]; if (dropZonesWithoutElements[i] === true) { this.numDropZonesWithoutElements += 1; } if (this.blankIsCorrect && dropZone.correctElements.length) { this.blankIsCorrect = false; } if (dropZone.autoAlign) { dropZone.autoAlign = { spacing: self.options.question.settings.autoAlignSpacing, size: self.options.question.settings.size }; } this.dropZones[i] = new DropZone(dropZone, i); } this.on('resize', self.resize, self); this.on('domChanged', function(event) { if (self.contentId === { self.trigger('resize'); } }); this.on('enterFullScreen', function () { if (self.$container) { self.$container.parents('.h5p-content').css('height', '100%'); self.trigger('resize'); } }); this.on('exitFullScreen', function () { if (self.$container) { self.$container.parents('.h5p-content').css('height', 'auto'); self.trigger('resize'); } }); } C.prototype = Object.create(H5P.Question.prototype); C.prototype.constructor = C; /** * Registers this question type's DOM elements before they are attached. * Called from H5P.Question. */ C.prototype.registerDomElements = function () { var self = this; // Register introduction section self.setIntroduction('

' + self.options.question.settings.questionTitle + '

'); // Set class if no background var classes = ''; if (this.options.question.settings.background !== undefined) { classes += 'h5p-dragquestion-has-no-background'; } if (self.options.question.settings.dropZoneHighlighting === 'always' ) { if (classes) { classes += ' '; } classes += 'h5p-dq-highlight-dz-always'; } // Register task content area self.setContent(self.createQuestionContent(), { 'class': classes }); // ... and buttons self.registerButtons(); setTimeout(function () { self.trigger('resize'); }, 200); }; /** * Get xAPI data. * Contract used by report rendering engine. * * @see contract at {@link} * * @return {Object} xAPI data */ C.prototype.getXAPIData = function () { var xAPIEvent = this.createXAPIEventTemplate('answered'); this.addQuestionToXAPI(xAPIEvent); this.addResponseToXAPI(xAPIEvent); return { statement: } }; /** * Add the question itselt to the definition part of an xAPIEvent */ C.prototype.addQuestionToXAPI = function(xAPIEvent) { var definition = xAPIEvent.getVerifiedStatementValue(['object', 'definition']); $.extend(definition, this.getXAPIDefinition()); }; /** * Get object definition for xAPI statement. * * @return {Object} xAPI object definition */ C.prototype.getXAPIDefinition = function () { var definition = {}; definition.description = { // Remove tags, must wrap in div tag because jQuery 1.9 will crash if the string isn't wrapped in a tag. 'en-US': $('
' + this.options.question.settings.questionTitle + '
').text() }; definition.type = ''; definition.interactionType = 'matching'; // Add sources, i.e. draggables definition.source = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.options.question.task.elements.length; i++) { var el = this.options.question.task.elements[i]; if (el.dropZones && el.dropZones.length) { var desc = el.type.params.alt ? el.type.params.alt : el.type.params.text; definition.source.push({ 'id': '' + i, 'description': { // Remove tags, must wrap in div tag because jQuery 1.9 will crash if the string isn't wrapped in a tag. 'en-US': $('
' + desc + '
').text() } }); } } // Add targets, i.e. drop zones, and the correct response pattern. definition.correctResponsesPattern = ['']; = []; var firstCorrectPair = true; for (var i = 0; i < this.options.question.task.dropZones.length; i++) {{ 'id': '' + i, 'description': { // Remove tags, must wrap in div tag because jQuery 1.9 will crash if the string isn't wrapped in a tag. 'en-US': $('
' + this.options.question.task.dropZones[i].label + '
').text() } }); if (this.options.question.task.dropZones[i].correctElements) { for (var j = 0; j < this.options.question.task.dropZones[i].correctElements.length; j++) { if (!firstCorrectPair) { definition.correctResponsesPattern[0] += '[,]'; } definition.correctResponsesPattern[0] += i + '[.]' + this.options.question.task.dropZones[i].correctElements[j]; firstCorrectPair = false; } } } return definition; }; /** * Add the response part to an xAPI event * * @param {H5P.XAPIEvent} xAPIEvent * The xAPI event we will add a response to */ C.prototype.addResponseToXAPI = function(xAPIEvent) { var maxScore = this.getMaxScore(); var score = this.getScore(); var success = score == maxScore ? true : false; xAPIEvent.setScoredResult(score, maxScore, this, true, success); = this.getUserXAPIResponse(); }; /** * Get what the user has answered encoded as an xAPI response pattern * * @return {string} xAPI encoded user response pattern */ C.prototype.getUserXAPIResponse = function () { var answers = this.getUserAnswers(); if (!answers) { return response; } return answers .filter(function (answerMapping) { return answerMapping.elements.length; }) .map(function (answerMapping, index) { return answerMapping.elements .filter(function (element) { return element.dropZone !== undefined; }).map(function (element) { return element.dropZone + '[.]' + index; }).join('[,]'); }).filter(function (pattern) { return pattern !== undefined && pattern !== ''; }).join('[,]'); }; /** * Returns user answers */ C.prototype.getUserAnswers = function () { return (draggable, index) { return { index: index, draggable: draggable }; }).filter(function (draggableMapping) { return draggableMapping.draggable !== undefined && draggableMapping.draggable.elements; }).map(function (draggableMapping) { return { index: draggableMapping.index, elements: draggableMapping.draggable.elements } }); }; /** * Append field to wrapper. */ C.prototype.createQuestionContent = function () { var i; // If reattaching, we no longer show solution. So forget that we // might have done so before. this.$container = $('
'); if (this.options.question.settings.background !== undefined) { this.$container.css('backgroundImage', 'url("' + H5P.getPath(this.options.question.settings.background.path, + '")'); } var task = this.options.question.task; // Add elements (static and draggable) for (i = 0; i < task.elements.length; i++) { var element = task.elements[i]; if (element.dropZones !== undefined && element.dropZones.length !== 0) { // Attach draggable elements this.draggables[i].appendTo(this.$container,; } else { // Add static element var $element = this.addElement(element, 'static', i); H5P.newRunnable(element.type,, $element); var timedOutOpacity = function($el, el) { setTimeout(function () { C.setOpacity($el, 'background', el.backgroundOpacity); }, 0); }; timedOutOpacity($element, element); } } // Attach drop zones for (i = 0; i < this.dropZones.length; i++) { this.dropZones[i].appendTo(this.$container, this.draggables); } return this.$container; }; C.prototype.registerButtons = function () { // Add show score button this.addSolutionButton(); this.addRetryButton(); }; /** * Makes sure element gets correct opacity when hovered. * * @param {jQuery} $element * @param {Object} element */ C.addHover = function ($element, backgroundOpacity) { $element.hover(function () { $element.addClass('h5p-draggable-hover'); if (!$element.parent().hasClass('h5p-dragging')) { C.setElementOpacity($element, backgroundOpacity); } }, function () { if (!$element.parent().hasClass('h5p-dragging')) { setTimeout(function () { $element.removeClass('h5p-draggable-hover'); C.setElementOpacity($element, backgroundOpacity); }, 1); } }); C.setElementOpacity($element, backgroundOpacity); }; /** * Makes element background transparent. * * @param {jQuery} $element * @param {Number} opacity */ C.setElementOpacity = function ($element, opacity) { C.setOpacity($element, 'borderColor', opacity); C.setOpacity($element, 'boxShadow', opacity); C.setOpacity($element, 'background', opacity); }; /** * Add solution button to our container. */ C.prototype.addSolutionButton = function () { var that = this; this.addButton('check-answer', this.options.scoreShow, function () { that.answered = true; that.showAllSolutions(); that.showScore(); var xAPIEvent = that.createXAPIEventTemplate('answered'); that.addQuestionToXAPI(xAPIEvent); that.addResponseToXAPI(xAPIEvent); that.trigger(xAPIEvent); }); }; /** * Add retry button to our container. */ C.prototype.addRetryButton = function () { var that = this; this.addButton('try-again', this.options.tryAgain, function () { that.resetTask(); that.showButton('check-answer'); that.hideButton('try-again'); }, false); }; /** * Add element/drop zone to task. * * @param {Object} element * @param {String} type Class * @param {Number} id * @returns {jQuery} */ C.prototype.addElement = function (element, type, id) { return $('
').appendTo(this.$container).data('id', id); }; /** * Set correct height of container */ C.prototype.resize = function (e) { var self = this; // Make sure we use all the height we can get. Needed to scale up. if (this.$container === undefined || !this.$':visible')) { // Not yet attached or visible – not possible to resize correctly return; } // Check if decreasing iframe size var decreaseSize = e && &&; if (!decreaseSize) { this.$container.css('height', '99999px'); self.$container.parents('.h5p-standalone.h5p-dragquestion').css('width', ''); } var size = this.options.question.settings.size; var ratio = size.width / size.height; var parentContainer = this.$container.parent(); // Use parent container as basis for resize. var width = parentContainer.width() - parseFloat(parentContainer.css('margin-left')) - parseFloat(parentContainer.css('margin-right')); // Check if we need to apply semi full screen fix. var $semiFullScreen = self.$container.parents('.h5p-standalone.h5p-dragquestion.h5p-semi-fullscreen'); if ($semiFullScreen.length) { // Reset semi fullscreen width $semiFullScreen.css('width', ''); // Decrease iframe size if (!decreaseSize) { self.$container.css('width', '10px'); $semiFullScreen.css('width', ''); // Trigger changes setTimeout(function () { self.trigger('resize', {decreaseSize: true}); }, 200); } // Set width equal to iframe parent width, since iframe content has not been update yet. var $iframe = $(window.frameElement); if ($iframe) { var $iframeParent = $iframe.parent(); width = $iframeParent.width(); $semiFullScreen.css('width', width + 'px'); } } var height = width / ratio; // Set natural size if no parent width if (width <= 0) { width = size.width; height = size.height; } this.$container.css({ width: width + 'px', height: height + 'px', fontSize: (16 * (width / size.width)) + 'px' }); }; /** * Get css position in percentage. * * @param {jQuery} $container * @param {jQuery} $element * @returns {Object} CSS position */ C.positionToPercentage = function ($container, $element) { return { top: (parseInt($element.css('top')) * 100 / $container.innerHeight()) + '%', left: (parseInt($element.css('left')) * 100 / $container.innerWidth()) + '%' }; }; /** * Disables all draggables. * @public */ C.prototype.disableDraggables = function () { this.draggables.forEach(function (draggable) { draggable.disable(); }); }; /** * Enables all draggables. * @public */ C.prototype.enableDraggables = function () { this.draggables.forEach(function (draggable) { draggable.enable(); }); }; /** * Get amount of empty drop zones. * * @param {number} totalDropZones Total drop zones in question * @param {Array} correctDZs Correct drop zones for draggables * @return {number} Amount of empty drop zones in question */ C.prototype.getDropzoneWithoutAnswer = function (totalDropZones, correctDZs) { //Index of correctDZs is the draggable, and value is the drop zone it belongs to var correctDropZones = []; correctDZs.forEach(function (draggable) { if (draggable.length) { draggable.forEach(function (dropZone) { if (correctDropZones.indexOf(dropZone) < 0) { correctDropZones.push(dropZone); } }); } }); return totalDropZones - correctDropZones.length - this.numDropZonesWithoutElements; }; /** * Shows the correct solutions on the boxes and disables input and buttons depending on settings. * @public * @params {Boolean} skipVisuals Skip visual animations. */ C.prototype.showAllSolutions = function (skipVisuals) { this.points = 0; this.rawPoints = 0; // One correct point for each "no solution" dropzone var emptyDropzones = this.getDropzoneWithoutAnswer(this.dropZones.length, this.correctDZs); this.points += emptyDropzones; this.rawPoints += emptyDropzones; for (var i = 0; i < this.draggables.length; i++) { var draggable = this.draggables[i]; if (draggable === undefined) { continue; } //Disable all draggables in check mode. if (!skipVisuals) { draggable.disable(); } // Find out where we are. this.points += draggable.results(skipVisuals, this.correctDZs[i]); this.rawPoints += draggable.rawPoints; } if (this.points < 0) { this.points = 0; } if (!this.answered && this.blankIsCorrect) { this.points = this.weight; } if (this.options.behaviour.singlePoint) { this.points = (this.points === this.calculateMaxScore() ? 1 : 0); } if (!skipVisuals) { this.hideButton('check-answer'); } if (this.options.behaviour.enableRetry && !skipVisuals) { this.showButton('try-again'); } if (this.hasButton('check-answer') && (this.options.behaviour.enableRetry === false || this.points === this.getMaxScore())) { // Max score reached, or the user cannot try again. this.hideButton('try-again'); } }; /** * Display the correct solutions, hides button and disables input. * Used in contracts. * @public */ C.prototype.showSolutions = function () { this.showAllSolutions(); this.showScore(); //Hide solution button: this.hideButton('check-answer'); this.hideButton('try-again'); //Disable dragging during "solution" mode this.disableDraggables(); }; /** * Resets the task. * Used in contracts. * @public */ C.prototype.resetTask = function () { this.points = 0; this.rawPoints = 0; this.answered = false; //Enables Draggables this.enableDraggables(); //Reset position and feedback. this.draggables.forEach(function (draggable) { result = draggable.results(true, correctDZs[]); if (result < 0) { draggable.resetPosition(); } }); //Show solution button this.showButton('check-answer'); this.hideButton('try-again'); this.setFeedback(); }; /** * Calculates the real max score. * * @returns {Number} Max points */ C.prototype.calculateMaxScore = function () { var max = 0; if (this.blankIsCorrect) { return this.getDropzoneWithoutAnswer(this.dropZones.length, this.correctDZs); } max += this.getDropzoneWithoutAnswer(this.dropZones.length, this.correctDZs); var elements = this.options.question.task.elements; for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { var correctDropZones = this.correctDZs[i]; if (correctDropZones === undefined || !correctDropZones.length) { continue; } if (elements[i].multiple) { max += correctDropZones.length; } else { max++; } } return max; }; /** * Get maximum score. * * @returns {Number} Max points */ C.prototype.getMaxScore = function () { return (this.options.behaviour.singlePoint ? this.weight : this.calculateMaxScore()); }; /** * Count the number of correct answers. * Only works while showing solution. * * @returns {Number} Points */ C.prototype.getScore = function () { this.showAllSolutions(true); var points = this.points; delete this.points; return points; }; /** * Checks if all has been answered. * * @returns {Boolean} */ C.prototype.getAnswerGiven = function () { return !this.options.behaviour.showSolutionsRequiresInput || this.answered || this.blankIsCorrect; }; /** * Shows the score to the user when the score button i pressed. */ C.prototype.showScore = function () { var maxScore = this.calculateMaxScore(); if (this.options.behaviour.singlePoint) { maxScore = 1; } var scoreText ='@score', this.points).replace('@total', maxScore); this.setFeedback(scoreText, this.points, maxScore); }; /** * Packs info about the current state of the task into a object for * serialization. * * @public * @returns {object} */ C.prototype.getCurrentState = function () { var state = {answers: []}; for (var i = 0; i < this.draggables.length; i++) { var draggable = this.draggables[i]; if (draggable === undefined) { continue; } var draggableAnswers = []; for (var j = 0; j < draggable.elements.length; j++) { var element = draggable.elements[j]; if (element === undefined || element.dropZone === undefined) { continue; } // Verify that draggables actually has its correct positions // (could have been chaged by auto-align without being updated in draggable) element.position = C.positionToPercentage(this.$container, element.$); // Store position and drop zone. draggableAnswers.push({ x: Number(element.position.left.replace('%', '')), y: Number('%', '')), dz: element.dropZone }); } if (draggableAnswers.length) { // Add answers to state object for storage state.answers[i] = draggableAnswers; } } return state; }; /** * Gather copyright information for the current content. * * @returns {H5P.ContentCopyright} */ C.prototype.getCopyrights = function () { var self = this; var info = new H5P.ContentCopyrights(); var background = self.options.question.settings.background; if (background !== undefined && background.copyright !== undefined) { var image = new H5P.MediaCopyright(background.copyright); image.setThumbnail(new H5P.Thumbnail(H5P.getPath(background.path,, background.width, background.height)); info.addMedia(image); } for (var i = 0; i < self.options.question.task.elements.length; i++) { var element = self.options.question.task.elements[i]; var instance = H5P.newRunnable(element.type,; if (instance.getCopyrights !== undefined) { var rights = instance.getCopyrights(); rights.setLabel((element.dropZones.length ? 'Draggable ' : 'Static ') + (element.type.params.contentName !== undefined ? element.type.params.contentName : 'element')); info.addContent(rights); } } return info; }; C.prototype.getTitle = function() { return H5P.createTitle(this.options.question.settings.questionTitle); }; /** * Makes element background, border and shadow transparent. * * @param {jQuery} $element * @param {String} property * @param {Number} opacity */ C.setOpacity = function ($element, property, opacity) { if (property === 'background') { // Set both color and gradient. C.setOpacity($element, 'backgroundColor', opacity); C.setOpacity($element, 'backgroundImage', opacity); if (!opacity) { $element.css({ "background-color": "rgba(245, 245, 245, 0)", "background-image": "none" }); } return; } opacity = (opacity === undefined ? 1 : opacity / 100); // Private. Get css properties objects. function getProperties(property, value) { switch (property) { case 'borderColor': return { borderTopColor: value, borderRightColor: value, borderBottomColor: value, borderLeftColor: value }; default: var properties = {}; properties[property] = value; return properties; } } var original = $element.css(property); // Reset css to be sure we're using CSS and not inline values. var properties = getProperties(property, ''); $element.css(properties); // Determine prop and assume all props are the same and use the first. for (var prop in properties) { break; } // Get value from css var style = $element.css(prop); if (style === '' || style === 'none') { // No value from CSS, fall back to original style = original; } style = C.setAlphas(style, 'rgba(', opacity); // Update rgba style = C.setAlphas(style, 'rgb(', opacity); // Convert rgb $element.css(getProperties(property, style)); }; /** * Updates alpha channel for colors in the given style. * * @param {String} style * @param {String} prefix * @param {Number} alpha */ C.setAlphas = function (style, prefix, alpha) { // Style undefined if (!style) { return; } var colorStart = style.indexOf(prefix); while (colorStart !== -1) { var colorEnd = style.indexOf(')', colorStart); var channels = style.substring(colorStart + prefix.length, colorEnd).split(','); // Set alpha channel channels[3] = (channels[3] !== undefined ? parseFloat(channels[3]) * alpha : alpha); style = style.substring(0, colorStart) + 'rgba(' + channels.join(',') + style.substring(colorEnd, style.length); // Look for more colors colorStart = style.indexOf(prefix, colorEnd); } return style; }; /** * Creates a new draggable instance. * Makes it easier to keep track of all instance variables and elements. * * @class * @param {object} element * @param {number} id * @param {array} [answers] from last session */ function Draggable(element, id, answers) { var self = this;; self.$ = $(self); = id; self.elements = []; self.x = element.x; self.y = element.y; self.width = element.width; self.height = element.height; self.backgroundOpacity = element.backgroundOpacity; self.dropZones = element.dropZones; self.type = element.type; self.multiple = element.multiple; if (answers) { if (self.multiple) { // Add base element self.elements.push({}); } // Add answers for (var i = 0; i < answers.length; i++) { self.elements.push({ dropZone: answers[i].dz, position: { left: answers[i].x + '%', top: answers[i].y + '%' } }); } } } Draggable.prototype = Object.create(H5P.EventDispatcher.prototype); Draggable.prototype.constructor = Draggable; /** * Insert draggable elements into the given container. * * @param {jQuery} $container * @param {Number} contentId * @returns {undefined} */ Draggable.prototype.appendTo = function ($container, contentId) { var self = this; if (!self.elements.length) { self.attachElement(null, $container, contentId); } else { for (var i = 0; i < self.elements.length; i++) { self.attachElement(i, $container, contentId); } } }; /** * Attach the given element to the given container. * * @param {Number} index * @param {jQuery} $container * @param {Number} contentId * @returns {undefined} */ Draggable.prototype.attachElement = function (index, $container, contentId) { var self = this; var element; if (index === null) { // Create new element element = {}; self.elements.push(element); index = self.elements.length - 1; } else { // Get old element element = self.elements[index]; } // Attach element element.$ = $('
', { class: 'h5p-draggable', css: { left: self.x + '%', top: self.y + '%', width: self.width + 'em', height: self.height + 'em' }, appendTo: $container }) .draggable({ revert: function (dropZone) { $container.removeClass('h5p-dragging'); var $this = $(this); $this.removeClass('h5p-dropped').data("uiDraggable").originalPosition = { top: self.y + '%', left: self.x + '%' }; C.setElementOpacity($this, self.backgroundOpacity); self.trigger('dropped'); return !dropZone; }, start: function(event, ui) { var $this = $(this); if (self.multiple && element.dropZone === undefined) { // Leave a new element for next drag self.attachElement(null, $container, contentId); } // Send element to the top! $this.removeClass('h5p-wrong').detach().appendTo($container); $container.addClass('h5p-dragging'); C.setElementOpacity($this, self.backgroundOpacity); self.trigger('drag'); }, stop: function(event, ui) { var $this = $(this); // Convert position to % to support scaling. element.position = C.positionToPercentage($container, $this); $this.css(element.position); var addToZone = $'addToZone'); if (addToZone !== undefined) { $this.removeData('addToZone'); if (self.multiple) { // Check that we're the only element here for (var i = 0; i < self.elements.length; i++) { if (i !== index && self.elements[i] !== undefined && self.elements[i].dropZone === addToZone) { // Remove element if (self.elements[index].dropZone !== undefined && self.elements[index].dropZone !== addToZone) { // Leaving old drop zone! self.trigger('leavingDropZone', element); } $this.remove(); delete self.elements[index]; return; } } } if (element.dropZone !== undefined && element.dropZone !== addToZone) { // Leaving old drop zone! self.trigger('leavingDropZone', element); } element.dropZone = addToZone; $this.addClass('h5p-dropped'); C.setElementOpacity($this, self.backgroundOpacity); self.trigger('interacted'); } else { if (self.multiple) { // Remove element if (self.elements[index].dropZone !== undefined) { self.trigger('leavingDropZone', self.elements[index]); } $this.remove(); delete self.elements[index]; } else { // Reset position and drop zone. if (element.dropZone !== undefined) { self.trigger('leavingDropZone', element); delete element.dropZone; } delete element.position; } } } }).css('position', ''); self.element = element; if (element.position) { // Restore last position element.$.css(element.position).addClass('h5p-dropped'); } C.addHover(element.$, self.backgroundOpacity); H5P.newRunnable(self.type, contentId, element.$); // Update opacity when element is attached. setTimeout(function () { C.setElementOpacity(element.$, self.backgroundOpacity); }, 0); }; /** * Check if this element can be dragged to the given drop zone. * * @param {Number} id * @returns {Boolean} */ Draggable.prototype.hasDropZone = function (id) { var self = this; for (var i = 0; i < self.dropZones.length; i++) { if (parseInt(self.dropZones[i]) === id) { return true; } } return false; }; /** * Resets the position of the draggable to its' original position. * @public */ Draggable.prototype.resetPosition = function () { var self = this; this.elements.forEach(function (draggable) { //If the draggable is in a dropzone reset its' position and feedback. if (draggable.dropZone !== undefined) { var element = draggable.$; //Revert the button to initial position and then remove it. element.animate({ left: self.x + '%', top: self.y + '%' }, function () { //Remove the draggable if it is an infinity draggable. if (self.multiple) { if (element.dropZone !== undefined) { self.trigger('leavingDropZone', element); } element.remove(); //Delete the element from elements list to avoid a cluster of draggables on top of infinity draggable. if (self.elements.indexOf(draggable) >= 0) { delete self.elements[self.elements.indexOf(draggable)]; } } }); // Reset element style element.removeClass('h5p-wrong') .removeClass('h5p-correct') .removeClass('h5p-dropped') .css({ border: '', background: '' }); C.setElementOpacity(element, self.backgroundOpacity); } }); // Draggable removed from dropzone. if (self.element.dropZone !== undefined) { self.trigger('leavingDropZone', self.element); delete self.element.dropZone; } // Reset style on initial element self.element.$.removeClass('h5p-wrong') .removeClass('h5p-correct') .removeClass('h5p-dropped') .css({ border: '', background: '' }); C.setElementOpacity(self.element.$, self.backgroundOpacity); }; /** * Check if the given draggable dom element is a part of this draggable. * * @param {Object} draggable * @returns {Boolean} */ = function (draggable) { var self = this; for (var i = 0; i < self.elements.length; i++) { if (self.elements[i] !== undefined && self.elements[i].$.is(draggable)) { return true; } } return false; }; /** * Detemine if any of our elements is in the given drop zone. * * @param {Number} id * @returns {Boolean} */ Draggable.prototype.isInDropZone = function (id) { var self = this; for (var i = 0; i < self.elements.length; i++) { if (self.elements[i] !== undefined && self.elements[i].dropZone === id) { return true; } } return false; }; /** * Disables the draggable. * @public */ Draggable.prototype.disable = function () { var self = this; for (var i = 0; i < self.elements.length; i++) { if (self.elements[i] !== undefined) { self.elements[i].$.draggable('disable'); } } }; /** * Enables the draggable. * @public */ Draggable.prototype.enable = function () { var self = this; for (var i = 0; i < self.elements.length; i++) { if (self.elements[i] !== undefined) { self.elements[i].$.draggable('enable'); } } }; /** * Calculate score for this draggable. * * @param {Boolean} skipVisuals * @param {Array} solutions * @returns {Number} */ Draggable.prototype.results = function (skipVisuals, solutions) { var self = this; var i, j, element, dropZone, correct, points = 0; self.rawPoints = 0; if (solutions === undefined) { // We should not be anywhere. for (i = 0; i < self.elements.length; i++) { element = self.elements[i]; if (element !== undefined && element.dropZone !== undefined) { // ... but we are! if (skipVisuals !== true) { element.$.addClass('h5p-wrong'); C.setElementOpacity(element.$, self.backgroundOpacity); } points--; } } return points; } // Are we somewhere we should be? for (i = 0; i < self.elements.length; i++) { element = self.elements[i]; if (element === undefined || element.dropZone === undefined) { continue; // We have not been placed anywhere, we're neither wrong nor correct. } correct = false; for (j = 0; j < solutions.length; j++) { if (element.dropZone === solutions[j]) { // Yepp! if (skipVisuals !== true) { element.$.addClass('h5p-correct').draggable('disable'); C.setElementOpacity(element.$, self.backgroundOpacity); } correct = true; self.rawPoints++; points++; break; } } if (!correct) { // Nope, we're in another zone if (skipVisuals !== true) { element.$.addClass('h5p-wrong'); C.setElementOpacity(element.$, self.backgroundOpacity); } points--; } } return points; }; /** * Creates a new drop zone instance. * Makes it easy to keep track of all instance variables. * * @param {Object} dropZone * @param {Number} id * @returns {_L8.DropZone} */ function DropZone(dropZone, id) { var self = this; = id; self.showLabel = dropZone.showLabel; self.label = dropZone.label; self.x = dropZone.x; self.y = dropZone.y; self.width = dropZone.width; self.height = dropZone.height; self.backgroundOpacity = dropZone.backgroundOpacity; self.tip = dropZone.tip; self.single = dropZone.single; self.autoAlignEnabled = dropZone.autoAlign; self.alignables = []; } /** * Insert drop zone in the given container. * * @param {jQuery} $container * @param {Array} draggables * @returns {undefined} */ DropZone.prototype.appendTo = function ($container, draggables) { var self = this; // Prepare inner html var html = '
'; var extraClass = ''; if (self.showLabel) { html = '
' + self.label + '
' + html; extraClass = ' h5p-has-label'; } // Create drop zone element self.$dropZone = $('
', { class: 'h5p-dropzone' + extraClass, css: { left: self.x + '%', top: self.y + '%', width: self.width + 'em', height: self.height + 'em' }, html: html }) .appendTo($container) .children('.h5p-inner') .droppable({ activeClass: 'h5p-active', tolerance: 'intersect', accept: function (draggable) { var element; for (var i = 0; i < draggables.length; i++) { if (draggables[i] === undefined) { continue; } if (self.single && draggables[i].isInDropZone( { // This drop zone is already occupied! return false; } if (draggables[i].is(draggable)) { // Found the draggable's instance element = draggables[i]; if (!self.single) { break; } } } if (element === undefined) { return; } // Check to see if the draggable can be dropped in this zone return element.hasDropZone(; }, drop: function (event, ui) { var $this = $(this); C.setOpacity($this.removeClass('h5p-over'), 'background', self.backgroundOpacity);'addToZone',; if (self.autoAlignEnabled) { if (self.getIndexOf(ui.draggable) === -1) { // Add to alignables self.alignables.push(ui.draggable); } // Trigger alignment self.autoAlign(); } }, over: function (event, ui) { C.setOpacity($(this).addClass('h5p-over'), 'background', self.backgroundOpacity); }, out: function (event, ui) { C.setOpacity($(this).removeClass('h5p-over'), 'background', self.backgroundOpacity); } }) .end(); // Add tip after setOpacity(), so this does not get background opacity: if (self.tip !== undefined && self.tip.trim().length) { self.$dropZone.append(H5P.JoubelUI.createTip(self.tip)); } if (self.autoAlignEnabled) { draggables.forEach(function (draggable) { var dragEl = draggable.element.$; // Add to alignables if (draggable.isInDropZone( && self.getIndexOf(dragEl) === -1) { self.alignables.push(dragEl); } }); self.autoAlign(); } // Set element opacity when element has been appended setTimeout(function () { C.setOpacity(self.$dropZone.children('.h5p-label'), 'background', self.backgroundOpacity); C.setOpacity(self.$dropZone.children('.h5p-inner'), 'background', self.backgroundOpacity); }, 0); }; /** * Find index of given alignable * * @param {jQuery} $alignable * @return {number} */ DropZone.prototype.getIndexOf = function ($alignable) { var self = this; for (var i = 0; i < self.alignables.length; i++) { if (self.alignables[i][0] === $alignable[0]) { return i; } } return -1 }; /** * Remove alignable * * @param {jQuery} $alignable */ DropZone.prototype.removeAlignable = function ($alignable) { var self = this; // Find alignable index var index = self.getIndexOf($alignable); if (index !== -1) { // Remove alignable self.alignables.splice(index, 1); if (self.autoAlignTimer === undefined) { // Schedule re-aligment of alignables left self.autoAlignTimer = setTimeout(function () { delete self.autoAlignTimer; self.autoAlign(); }, 1); } } } /** * Auto-align alignable elements inside drop zone. */ DropZone.prototype.autoAlign = function () { var self = this; // Determine container size in order to calculate percetages var containerSize = self.$dropZone.parent()[0].getBoundingClientRect(); // Calcuate borders and spacing values in percetage var spacing = { x: (self.autoAlignEnabled.spacing / self.autoAlignEnabled.size.width) * 100, y: (self.autoAlignEnabled.spacing / self.autoAlignEnabled.size.height) * 100 }; // Determine coordinates for first 'spot' var pos = { x: self.x + spacing.x, y: self.y + spacing.y }; // Determine space inside drop zone var dropZoneSize = self.$dropZone[0].getBoundingClientRect(); var space = { x: dropZoneSize.width - (spacing.x * 2), y: dropZoneSize.height - (spacing.y * 2) }; // Set current space left inside drop zone var spaceLeft = { x: space.x, y: space.y }; // Set height for the active row of elements var currentRowHeight = 0; // Current alignable element and it's size var $alignable, alignableSize; /** * Helper doing the actual positioning of the element + recalculating * next position and space left. * * @private */ var alignElement = function () { // Position element at current spot $alignable.css({ left: pos.x + '%', top: pos.y + '%' }); // Update horizontal space left + next position var spaceDiffX = (alignableSize.width + self.autoAlignEnabled.spacing); spaceLeft.x -= spaceDiffX; pos.x += (spaceDiffX / containerSize.width) * 100; // Keep track of the highest element in this row var spaceDiffY = (alignableSize.height + self.autoAlignEnabled.spacing); if (spaceDiffY > currentRowHeight) { currentRowHeight = spaceDiffY; } }; // Try to order and align the alignables inside the drop zone // (in the order they were added) for (var i = 0; i < self.alignables.length; i++) { // Determine alignable size $alignable = self.alignables[i]; alignableSize = $alignable[0].getBoundingClientRect(); // Try to fit on the current row if (spaceLeft.x >= alignableSize.width) { alignElement(); } else { // Did not fit, try next row // Reset X values spaceLeft.x = space.x; pos.x = self.x + spacing.x; // Bump Y values if (currentRowHeight) { // Update Y space and position according to previous row height spaceLeft.y -= currentRowHeight; pos.y += (currentRowHeight / containerSize.height) * 100; // Reset currentRowHeight = 0; } if (spaceLeft.y <= 0) { return; // No more vertical space left, stop all aliging } alignElement(); } } }; return C; })(H5P.jQuery);