H5P at EdTechPosium 2018
Benjamin Waller, an education designer from the Canberra Institute of Technology in Australia, recently presented on H5P at EdTechPosium - an annual Canberra-based educational technology conference with a focus on higher education and VET (Vocational Education and Training). The theme for this year's conference was “Design, Develop, Play!" and his presentation, entitled H5P - Create, share and reuse interactive content for innovative eLearning solutions, was one of most popular sessions and gathered lots of interest.
Benjamin demonstrated two of the most popular and feature rich H5P content types; Interactive Video and Course Presentation showing how you can enhance the learning experience by using a multitude of options to create engagement and interaction. One notable example was an innovative use of Course Presentation where he built a beginners lesson on greetings between teachers and students in Vietnamese. He included in a variety of visuals, audio options and quizzing to deliver a concise but comprehensive language lesson. He achieved this by scaffolding the learning in the following ways:
- established the context, topic of conversations and use of vocabulary in first slides
- included rich graphics to situate the speakers in the context of their conversation
- used video, images, tables and information texts to expand on concepts and language
- noted grammar explanations of the language on key slides with colour coding
- broke down the conversation line-by-line to aid repetition and fluency
- used Dialog cards to initiate recall of language from the conversation
- incorporated quizzing to reinforce and consolidate understanding of the language
Check out his webpage at eLearn Vietnamese
The Course Presentation below or https://elearnvietnamese.h5p.com/content/1290436679514644339/embed