find multiple hotspots bug
Kia ora from New Zealand where the weather is great and the voting queues are extremely short.
I'm working on a find multiple hotspots activity using an image of a laboratory form and trying to get students to click on the right tests in the right boxes. If I do this in a column format there is no option to find multiple hotspots, I can only use one. If I make it a separate activity, h5p isn't recognising some of the hotspots so it's coming up with an incorrect X in the right place and then is not providing any of the feedback I've written either beside the hotspot or in the banner below. I'd like it to appear beside the hotspot.
I'm very new at h5p and don't have much coding experience. Anyone got any advice?
Thu, 10/15/2020 - 17:56
Hi Esther,Would you mind
Hi Esther,
Would you mind enabling the download button or attach the content here. I think it would be a lot easier if community members can actually dissect the settings.
Mon, 10/19/2020 - 01:57
Sorry about that! Have
Sorry about that! Have enabled download.
Mon, 10/19/2020 - 02:49
Hi Esther,Thank you for
Hi Esther,
Thank you for enabling the download button. I uploaded your content here, I cannot seem to find the hotspots that you added. But none the less I added 3 hotspots (which I'm sure are not the corrrect answers). You will notice that I added something in the "Hotspot Name" field, this used as part of the feedback to give the students an idea of how many hotspots they already found. If the field is empty the feedback will not appear. By design the feedback will appear at the bottom. For the other issue "h5p isn't recognising some of the hotspots so it's coming up with an incorrect X in the right place" for some reason the content creates a white space below the image (screenshot attached). The content seems to interpret this white space as part of the backgorund image and misplaces the hotspots. However I also noticed that after clicking and getting an incorrect mark or by resizing the window the white space disappears and the hotspots are recognized correctly. I tried reproducing from scratch but the issue not showing, I would have to reach out to the developers so that they can check it further.