Not able to install Content Types Except Fill In the Blanks
Submitted by ssankaran on Thu, 08/10/2017 - 09:18
I have installed the H5P plugin on moodle latest version on my desktop. I have tried installing the content types but could only install Fill in the Blanks.
I am now using Page option in moodle and embedding the code, it works fine except the extra time and effort of creating the content in H5P site and then downloading it on to my PC and uploading or embedding the code on moodle with the Page plugin. Video Interactive is the type which I uses frequesntly and it will be of great help if i could install and use that content type through the H5P plugin.
Thu, 08/10/2017 - 15:27
Hi Syam,Are you getting any
Hi Syam,
Are you getting any errors when installing the other content types? Where you successfull in uploading the Interavtice Video in Moodle? If so this should automatically install it's files in Moodle.