Sequence with no correct answer

Sometimes I try to see how students rank favorites or priorities. The answer is subjective and therefore has no "correct" order.

For example I would tell the students

Rank your favorite sandwich 1 is the best to 5 is the worst
Peanut butter
Ham and cheese

There is no single correct answer. How can I create this?


BV52's picture

Hi Pokane,

You can use Drag and Drop for this activity. Below are the steps to do this:

  1. Create all the drop zones
  2. Create the draggables and choose all the dropzones (this tells the content that you can drop the draggables on any of the drop zones).
  3. Edit the drop zones one by one and choose all the draggables as correct answers (this tells the content that whichever draggable is placed in the drop zone is correct).
  4. Optional setting for dropzones is to enable the auto align feature.

In the Behavioural Settings do the following:

  1. Disable Score Explanation
  2. Disable Show Score Points

You can check my sample content here using the scenario you mentioned. Feel free to download the content so that you can check my settings. Please note that this does not actually achieve the "no correct answer" scenario. But using these settings does not really show a "correct" answer instead it should give the impression of acknowledgement of the answers.