Error During Database reading Moodle

Hi everyone,

i am not able to run h5p plugin. I am on moodle 3.9 and when i try to add a new resource to my course, an error on database appears.

If i try to add a h5p file manually, the server response me that there is NO h5p table in DB.

If i try to add by deposit of contents, there are several error linked to DB.

How can i solve this? Thanks for the support.

Si è verificato un errore durante la lettura del database

Maggiori informazioni su questo errore

Informazioni di debug:  Table 'ckgLCjmda5s0.mdl_h5p_libraries' doesn't exist
SELECT, hl2.machinename as machine_name, hl2.title, hl2.majorversion as major_version,
hl2.minorversion AS minor_version, hl2.patchversion as patch_version, '' as has_icon, 0 as restricted
FROM mdl_h5p_libraries hl2
LEFT JOIN mdl_h5p_libraries hl1
ON hl1.machinename = hl2.machinename
AND (hl2.majorversion < hl1.majorversion
OR (hl2.majorversion = hl1.majorversion
AND hl2.minorversion < hl1.minorversion)
WHERE hl2.runnable = 1
AND hl1.majorversion is null
ORDER BY hl2.title
[array (
Error code: dmlreadexceptionStack trace: 
  • line 486 of /lib/dml/moodle_database.php: dml_read_exception thrown
  • line 1273 of /lib/dml/mysqli_native_moodle_database.php: call to moodle_database->query_end()
  • line 66 of /h5p/classes/editor_ajax.php: call to mysqli_native_moodle_database->get_records_sql()
  • line 146 of /contentbank/contenttype/h5p/classes/contenttype.php: call to core_h5p\editor_ajax->getLatestLibraryVersions()
  • line 132 of /contentbank/classes/output/bankcontent.php: call to contenttype_h5p\contenttype->get_contenttype_types()
  • line 107 of /contentbank/classes/output/bankcontent.php: call to core_contentbank\output\bankcontent->export_tool_add()
  • line 238 of /lib/outputrenderers.php: call to core_contentbank\output\bankcontent->export_for_template()
  • line 115 of /contentbank/index.php: call to renderer_base->render()