Inhalte von zwei Accounts bearbeitetn
Submitted by jenny.hoermann@... on Sun, 06/27/2021 - 09:27
ich muss mit einem Kollegen gemeinsam einen H5P-Inhalt erstellen. Wie kann man dass einstellen, dass man von zwei Computern und zwei Accounts auf diesen Inhalt zugreifen kann?
Bitte um schnelle Rückmeldung!
I have to work with a colleague to create H5P content. How can you set that up so that you can access this content from two computers and two accounts?
Please send us a fast feedback!
Mon, 06/28/2021 - 19:01
Hi Jenny,If you are using the
Hi Jenny,
If you are using the H5P plugin for Moodle, Drupal or Wordpress you can provide an admin access or just enough access to be able to edit H5P contents (I can't give exact details since I do not know which system you may be using). On the other hand if you have an account you can add your colleague as an author and share the content with them. Lastly if you are creating contents in this is not possible since this is a test site and does not have the all the available features of H5P.