Unable to interpret response in upload H5P Content


We are getting upload error when one of our current user tried to upload the pre-build content to H5P.
The content is coming from this souce "https://h5pstudio.ecampusontario.ca/content/29763"  ( size is 4 mb) and with reuse button we downloaded it. when we are trying to upload on our server getting this error:

OK (200)

Unable to interpret response.

Please check your error log.

They can upload other files without any issue! but they could not use this file and we do not getting any error in server log. it there any way to troubeshooting it?

Our Environment is 

Wordpress : 5.8.1

PHP: 7.4.1 , PHP memory limit :256M, Upload max filesize: 100MB

H5P: 1.15.3








BV52's picture

Hi mgoogol,

It's a longshot but could you try uploading the content I attached. I had a similar issue with a downloaded H5P from Drupal and getting an error uploading in Wordpress. I resolved it by uploading in H5P.com then downloading the same content and uploaded it in WP.



This Drupal "https://h5pstudio.ecampusontario.ca/content/29763"" not WordPress? can you verify it?

I tried and got the same error :

OK (200)

Unable to interpret response.


Please check your error log.

Do you know what is the cause might be?

Thanks for your help.



BV52's picture

Hi Moe,

It doesn't look like it's the file I was able to upload it in Wordpress. Have you checked the browser console?

