Change the font type


Hey, how can I change the font type in my H5p?
And I need to change the font size in some h5p 
how can I do that?


otacke's picture


That's something you'd do by overriding the stylesheet, please see for details.



Actually, I tried to make the changes in the font type but the H5p didn't take the new font, I don't know why? is there something missing that I have to follow?

otacke's picture

Hi Ola!

How would I be able to answer this question if you don't share what exactly you tried?


Actually, I tried to make the changes in the font type but the H5p didn't take the new font, I don't know why? is there something missing that I have to follow?


I need to change the size of the spoken word quiz,, see the screenshot
how can I change the size here ? .h5p-speak-the-words-introduction I need to make the size for this 7em ?

where do I have to go?

otacke's picture

Hi Ola!

You can by overriding the stylesheet following one of the guides for your respective platform.

If someone has the time to explain every single step for you, then somebody might do that here. However, it is common courtesy to try oneself first (end demonstrate that one actually tried by showing what one did and provide relevant information). People are willing to help people who get stuck with a problem, but not to work for others for free in order to solve other people's problems.
