H5P Fill in the Blanks game incorrect xAPI verb


Hi guys. Currently working with adding Fill in the Blanks game (https://h5p.org/fill-in-the-blanks#example=61113).

Faced with an issue on adding some analytics to the game. The thing regarding the user actions described in the game API reference (https://h5p.org/node/611/xapi-coverage) describes next behavior:

(first image attachment)

The issue is that during debugging i faced with the odd behavior. Every single time when i enter the input into the blank space i m getting only one action verb - "Answeved"

(second image attachment)

That makes me impossible to define when user clicks on "Check" button or simply writes the possible answer in the blank space. How can i change that behavior or there is a bug with the library itself? Please contact me ASAP.

xAPI bugs
otacke's picture

Hi Demyd!

First of all: This is a community forum. Calling for things ASAP doesn't work here.

I only get the xAPI verb "answered" when I click on "Check" or, if I have auto-check enabled, after I have entered something into the last blank and let it lose focus.

You might want to share some more details about how you set up the content (or some link to it) and the steps you suggest to re-create the issue.


Thanks for contacting me, i understand that it's the community forum so sorry regarding the ASAP comment.

            "media": {"disableImageZooming": False},
            "text": "Fill in the missing words",
            "overallFeedback": [{"from": 0, "to": 100}],
            "showSolutions": "Show solution",
            "tryAgain": "Retry",
            "checkAnswer": "Check",
            "notFilledOut": "Please fill in all blanks to view solution",
            "answerIsCorrect": "':ans' is correct",
            "answerIsWrong": "':ans' is wrong",
            "answeredCorrectly": "Answered correctly",
            "answeredIncorrectly": "Answered incorrectly",
            "solutionLabel": "Correct answer:",
            "inputLabel": "Blank input @num of @total",
            "inputHasTipLabel": "Tip available",
            "tipLabel": "Tip",
            "behaviour": {
                "enableRetry": True,
                "enableSolutionsButton": True,
                "enableCheckButton": True,
                "autoCheck": False,
                "caseSensitive": False,
                "showSolutionsRequiresInput": True,
                "separateLines": False,
                "confirmCheckDialog": False,
                "confirmRetryDialog": False,
                "acceptSpellingErrors": False,
            "scoreBarLabel": "You got :num out of :total points",
            "a11yCheck": "Check the answers. The responses will be marked as correct, incorrect, or unanswered.",
            "a11yShowSolution": "Show the solution. The task will be marked with its correct solution.",
            "a11yRetry": "Retry the task. Reset all responses and start the task over again.",
            "a11yCheckingModeHeader": "Checking mode",
            "confirmCheck": {
                "header": "Finish ?",
                "body": "Are you sure you wish to finish ?",
                "cancelLabel": "Cancel",
                "confirmLabel": "Finish",
            "confirmRetry": {
                "header": "Retry ?",
                "body": "Are you sure you wish to retry ?",
                "cancelLabel": "Cancel",
                "confirmLabel": "Confirm",
            "questions": questions,
As you can see the auto-check is disabled.

<p>Thanks for contacting me and sorry for ASAP comment.<br />Here is what i have:&nbsp;</p><pre class="brush:jscript;first-line:1;" title="content">{
"media": {"disableImageZooming": False},
"text": "Fill in the missing words",
"overallFeedback": [{"from": 0, "to": 100}],
"showSolutions": "Show solution",
"tryAgain": "Retry",
"checkAnswer": "Check",
"notFilledOut": "Please fill in all blanks to view solution",
"answerIsCorrect": "&amp;#039;:ans&amp;#039; is correct",
"answerIsWrong": "&amp;#039;:ans&amp;#039; is wrong",
"answeredCorrectly": "Answered correctly",
"answeredIncorrectly": "Answered incorrectly",
"solutionLabel": "Correct answer:",
"inputLabel": "Blank input @num of @total",
"inputHasTipLabel": "Tip available",
"tipLabel": "Tip",
"behaviour": {
"enableRetry": True,
"enableSolutionsButton": True,
"enableCheckButton": True,
"autoCheck": False,
"caseSensitive": False,
"showSolutionsRequiresInput": True,
"separateLines": False,
"confirmCheckDialog": False,
"confirmRetryDialog": False,
"acceptSpellingErrors": False,
"scoreBarLabel": "You got :num out of :total points",
"a11yCheck": "Check the answers. The responses will be marked as correct, incorrect, or unanswered.",
"a11yShowSolution": "Show the solution. The task will be marked with its correct solution.",
"a11yRetry": "Retry the task. Reset all responses and start the task over again.",
"a11yCheckingModeHeader": "Checking mode",
"confirmCheck": {
"header": "Finish ?",
"body": "Are you sure you wish to finish ?",
"cancelLabel": "Cancel",
"confirmLabel": "Finish",
"confirmRetry": {
"header": "Retry ?",
"body": "Are you sure you wish to retry ?",
"cancelLabel": "Cancel",
"confirmLabel": "Confirm",
"questions": questions,
Here is a python dict, the main game content. As you can see the auto-check property disabled.

otacke's picture


Not sure why you post the params here instead of simply attaching the file or better - link to it on your platform. As I said, I get proper xAPI statements with both autocheck enabled and disabled, so the issue rather seems to either be on the platform that you are using (you fail to say which) or in your customization to handle the statements (you shared nothing but some simple output). That's what would help.
