Dialog Card "save content state" in Moodlecloud
Submitted by lfagundes on Wed, 09/07/2022 - 22:20
I know that a "save content state" option for dialog cards allowing users to return to their dialog cards and continue where they left off was made available in 2019. Does anyone know how to activiate that option in Moodlecloud?
Thu, 09/08/2022 - 00:32
Hi!I don't know Moodlecloud,
I don't know Moodlecloud, but the save content state feature needs to be implemented by the H5P Integration that's hosting the content. The H5P plugin for moodle has an option in the plugin settings to activate the save content state. Moodle's own custom integration of H5P into moodle core does not yet have that feature. I assume Moodlecloud uses the latter? Bad luck then.