H5P content editor doesn't install any content

I am very new to moodle, but worked with h5p for wordpress so I am familiar with the software. I've installed the pluging Interactive H5P and follower the steps, but ufter I push the button Install (any content type)  editor just goes blank (see the video)


BV52's picture

Hi Tatiana,

Can you try downloading the sample contents and iplaoding it in Moodle. If this does not work can you check if you see any errors in the browser console when installing a content type.


Hi again. I have tried and it worked. So the bug seems to be happening when I am tryhing to launch H5P interactive content editor from the server to the Moodle platform.


BV52's picture

Hi Tatiana.

We can see that in the video but did you check if you have errors in the browser console?


Here are the errors that happen when I am trying to intstall content to editor