Creating content for a Joomla site


Is it possible to create and publish h5p content in a site operating on Joomla 4 platform?


otacke's picture


There's nobody in the Joomla community who has created an H5P plugin yet as far as I know of. So, a couple of options could be:

  • Subscribe to and embed content that was created there into your Joomla page.
  • Set up some H5P enabled server yourself (e.g. based on WordPress, Drupal, etc.) and embed content that was created there into your Joomla page.
  • Find someone whose H5P enabled site you may use and embed content that was created there into your Joomla page, e.g. Lumi Cloud.
  • Use Lumi Desktop to create H5P content, convert it to a single HTML file and include that HTML into your Joomla page - will waste quite some ressources though and depending on the configuration of Joomla, this approach may not work.
