Best practice using H5P with Moodle's Attendance Register plugin to track activity
SUMMARY: How can we use H5P so it can output some entry to Moodle's activity logs?
We are using the Attendance Register Activity module to track our students approximate time spent online to meet the requirements for our training provision.
The attendance register module works by detecting entries in the students logs, And once activity is detected within a specified time window in the moodle logs, the plugin concludes that the student is still active online and estimates the time spent online from that.
However, when we use H5P for our course content, this doesn't prompt any entries in the Moodle logs until each set of H5P content is completed. This can cause issues if a student spends a particularly extended period of time with one H5P activity.
I wanted to post here to ask the community if anyone had any experience in using H5P with Moodle's attendance register or similar time tracking plugins, and if anyone had suggestions for best practise in using H5P, so it can output some activity to Moodle's logs and therefore work in tandem with the attendance register plugin?
Thanks for all your time help and support here, I really appreciate it.