unable to translate the word Finish


We are unable to translate the word Finish from the Speak the Words Set.
The word is not listed at translate-h5p.tk/weblate/browse/h5p/h5p-speak-the-words-set
So maybe the word Finish is hard coded?
Does anyone currently maintain the Speak The Words Set?
Thank you 


Content types: 
otacke's picture


The rightful maintainer is H5P Group. Regarding this issue, a fix has been applied on September 6, 2022. An update of the content type to version 1.3.3 has not been released since, however, even though it seems to have been prepared 9 months ago as part of a bug fix (internal ticket JI-4487). So, H5P Group will have to answer this - maybe the release slipped through their fingers somehow?


I hope someone of the H5P Group reads this post. The fix would be very welcome. Thank you Oliver for the information!