Migrating h5p content from Moodle to Wordpress/LearnDash with a CDN

 Hello everybody, 

New here, I hope I am posting in the right place.

We have a Moodle-based platform that contains a good amount of h5p files. We are in the process of migrating the content/courses from this Moodle environment to a Wordpress + LearnDash platform.


Due to the size of the medias, we plan on using a CDN such as BunnyNet. They offer a dedicated plugin for Wordpress, which is said to host all medias transparently and automatically in their server.


Using the h5p Wordpress plugin, we would like to follow this process:


 [Extract h5p files from Moodle] ==> [Upload h5p files to Wordpress with h5p plugin]. During the upload, it is expected that BunnyNet plugin will automatically store the files in the CDN and not in the server directory.


We are being told that this is not possible, and that each h5p file must be “decoupled”, and the media contained inside each h5p should manually be uploaded to the CDN (which would take a huge amount of time).


Why is the process suggested above not possible? How would you recomend to proceed?

Thank you a lot for your help,



Edit: I guess the main question is: when h5p is imported into learndash with the dedicated plugin, does it go into the "media library" (as a h5p file) of Wordpress or not?


Edit 2: It is NOT in the "media library" but in the "upload" folder within wp-content. According to BunnyNet the offloading can be set up for this folder as well