Continuous audio (soundtrack) in presentation
I'm creating a gamified interactive quiz and I would like to create a sort of immersive environment with a soundtrack. However, the "Course Presentation" H5P activity apparently only allows to add audio to one slide of a time, not a continuous soundtrack to the whole presentation. Is it true or I'm missing something?
Alternatively, are there other H5P activities that would allow for this kind of control? It's a pretty straightforward 12-question, multiple-choice quiz - I'd like to add a different image to each question and a global soundtrack. Extra points if I can also add sound effects to boost, but not mandatory.
I would normally do all that on Genially but H5P seems a simpler solution for this particular client.
Tue, 05/21/2024 - 18:33
Hi JuliaVidile,I don't think
Hi JuliaVidile,
I don't think you can create a content exactly as you described. However, you can use Interactive Book or Column as a substitute and combine the following: