Collage content-type version missmatch

Hi folks,

I have stumbled upon a version missmatch which affects the H5P.Collage content type. The library is listed under version 0.3.20 when fetched from, but when downloaded from the library.json file still shows version 0.3.17.

You can check or reproduce this using CURL:

1. curl
2. curl --output collage.h5p
3. unzip collage.h5p -d H5P.Collage
4. cat H5P.Collage/H5PEditor.Collage-0.3/library.json

Please let me know if I should report this issue somewhere else.

Kind regards,

H5P.Collage is downloaded at version 0.3.17 but its listed as 0.3.20.
Content types: