Playing interactive video with a phone


I am trying to make interection videos based on audio course I have. I just need that tool for stoping the video when I ask some questions to my listeners so that they have time to think about the answer. I want this to let them avoid clicking on pause manually. There are a lot of people who will listen to these videos like a podcast while they are in the public transport, walking in the park, etc. But it happened, that when I tried to listen to these interactive videos on the phone and tried to utilise  not a H5P player play button, but the play button of the phone or just a headphone play button, then I didn`t manage to start video again if it was stopped by interactive element. If the video was stopped by me, then it was ok to start it again. 

It`s interesting that another day i triied, it worked for some time, but it began to stop automatically many places regardless of whether there was an interactive element there or not.

I wonder if someone know why it occurs or if it`s possible to fix/ avoid this problem. Or maybe someone has a suggestion to use another tool for my particular purpose to pause video at the specific timecodes and be able to play it again with headphone.

Thanks in advance.