H5P basics tutorial
I have spent a long time trying to figure out some basics about creating and packaging H5P content, and while some tutorials and official guides were detailed, I believe I would have benefitted from a few things being stated more clearly. I have written a short guide and wanted to share it and ask for feedback, so that I could correct and update it before sharing it further. I was/am a complete novice, so the guide covers some very basic things, like different types of h5p packages, correct syntax and getting access to zip command on windows.
I hope it is ok to link the guide on google drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iic4oI36fKma1O8WPvL7y__XD79zjMxl/view?u...
Edit: Just in case here's a link to Github with the manual and the tutorial example: https://github.com/Sv-THI/H5P_Development_Tutorial