Questions of a question set

Hello! Thank you for the question set type. It is one of my favorite types.
I have a question about it.
I had 5 types of questions that could be added to the set (I have added printscreens)

Drag the words

Multiple Choice

Mark the words

Drag and drop

True False

But on the new installation I have a new interface and just 3 types.

Multiple Choice

Mark the words

True False

How can I add other types as it was before?

BV52's picture

Hi ksen-pol,

I'm sorry that you don't have the quiz types that you normally use, the reason behind this is so that new users will not be overwhelmed with the choices. The easiest way to have them in your local installation is to create a quiz here in and download then upload it to your computer. I actually have one ready in case I need to uninstall/reinstall my local H5P and you can find it here. Feel free to download it and upload it to your system :-)
