Display All Results to Admin (WP)

vev1's picture


I see that it displays "My Results" in the Dashboard... Is it possible for (only) admin users in Wordpress to see all the users' results?


falcon's picture

The admin has access to a result tab on all H5P content. Is that what you're looking for?
vev1's picture

Yes I see that. I would just like to see ALL users' results, not just mine. Is that option possible?

falcon's picture

You see all users results when you navigate to the content you're interested in and then click the results tab for that content? I'm not sure if I understand the question
vev1's picture

I'm not seeing other users' results- only my own. So to be clear,  are you saying when you click "My Results" as an Administrator, you should see all users' results who have completed the activity? 

falcon's picture

It's in the Wordpress admin section, in the H5P Content menu. When you click on an H5P you can click on the result tab to see all results for that H5P. See image:


vev1's picture

That's brilliant! I can see it now.


falcon's picture

Good, glad to help :)