in joomla
I installed joomla 2.5 because i need this h5p things. i did the order in the intallation guide page. But when i view the article it gets an error as
Undefined property: stdClass::$itemid in C:\xampp\htdocs\coco\plugins\content\h5p\h5p.php on line 59.
i am testing in xammp . And where should i put h5p flashcards and drag and drop examples? i'm new to h5p and can you help me for this to be solved?
$html = '<div class="h5p-iframe-wrapper" id="iframe-wrapper-##h5pId##">';
$html .= '<iframe id="iframe-##h5pId##" class="h5p-iframe" src="##iframeSrc##" style="width: 100%; height: 400px; border: none;"></iframe>';
$html .= '</div>';
$article_url = JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getArticleRoute($article->id, $article->catid, $article->itemid)) ."-$article->alias";
foreach ($matches as $key => $match) {
$h5pId = $match[1];
$h5pDomId = str_replace('.', '_', $h5pId); // Periods make jQuery unhappy.
if ($context === 'com_content.article') {
$iframeSrc = 'index.php?option=com_h5p&view=h5p&layout=view&tmpl=component&cid=' . $h5pId;
$replacement = str_replace(array('##h5pId##', '##iframeSrc##'), array($h5pDomId, $iframeSrc), $html);
$article->text = preg_replace(
'/\<img.*?h5p-placeholder-image.*?data-content-id\=\"' . $h5pId . '\".*?\>/',
elseif (isset($article->id)) {
$article->text = preg_replace('/\<img.*?h5p-placeholder-image.*?data-content-id\=\"' . $h5pId . '\".*?\>/', '<a href="' . $article_url . '">$0</a>', $article->text, 1);
else {
$article->text = preg_replace('/\<img.*?h5p-placeholder-image.*?data-content-id\=\"' . $h5pId . '\".*?\>/', '', $article->text, 1);