unabletocopy Error Message

SteelWagstaff's picture

We've had some users report that they're seeing an unabletocopy error message when attempting to load, update, or edit existing H5P activities on their WordPress multisite (we're running Pressbooks, a plugin for WP multisite that turns the network into a tool to publish openly licensed web books).

Here's what we see when we open an H5P activity in the book in question:

When I go to open one of these activities, I see the following warnings/errors in the console:

Furthermore, when users load a page where one of the activities is embedded, a number of visual elements of the activity are suppressed and produce 500 errors:

We're running a multi-site, and at least some of the other sites on the network are also using H5P and are unaffected. I can provide URLs and more information if needed. Any idea what might be happening or how to troubleshoot? I saw some chatter on similar topics here: https://h5p.org/node/31806 and here: https://h5p.org/comment/8155#comment-8155, but didn't see a relevant issue in the GitHub repo. Should I create one there?

unabletocopy message
icc's picture

You get this error when there's an issue with the uploads directory. When you get this error you should also get an E_USER_WARNING error that will give you details on which directory is failing. Try checking your PHP error_log file. If you cannot find the error you could try adding the following to your wp-config.php:

define('WP_DEBUG', true);
error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE);

This will ensure that any additional error messages are printed to the user.
My guess is that there is some sort of file permission issue, or the path could be incorrect.