Bouton Check - Check Button


Est-il possible de ne pas afficher le bouton Check dans les différents types de contenus interactifs ?

La présence de ce boutton ne permet pas à l'apprenant de trouver par lui même les bonnes réponses étant donné que le bouton Check affiche les bonnes et les mauvaises réponses.

Merci pour votre/vos réponse(s)

Is it possible to not display the Check button in the different types of interactive content?
The presence of this button does not allow the learner to find the correct answers by himself, since the Check button displays the right and wrong answers.
Thank you for your answer (s)

BV52's picture

Hi tshchu,

On the top of my head there is one content that has this option which is Quiz (Question Set). The good thing about this is that it includes a lot of the quiz type contents (i.e. Multiple Choice, True/False etc.). 

Personally I agree that there should be at least an option to hide the "Check" button for all quiz type contents.
