Feedback display

gpakat's picture

In some cases a feedback line appears for a multiple choice question (independent of whether there is any feedback content created). In other cases feedback does not appear. When the alternative is deleted and created again, the feedback disappears. Question: when does the feedback appear and when not. Is there a control for this?

falcon's picture

Thank you for reporting. Do you have an example(link/h5p file)? I was unable to reproduce.
gpakat's picture

there is one question in the uploaded example that displays this behaviour called multi choice

falcon's picture

There is a linebreak (br tag) inside that feedback field making it appear. I don't know how it may have gotten there. Maybe someone edited it and the deleted the content but left a line break? Anyway I think we should improve our empty field detection. A field with a br tag doesn't hold any content of value and should be regarded as empty. This is not something we will solve immediately. I was able to remove the fields content by editing it the normal way (with chrome)