Extending the Summary Page Course Presentation (MOODLE)

We would like to extend the Summary page so we can display a 'Complete Survey' button that would link to our standard course survey.  I know this will require and extension to the class, just not 100% sure how to go about it.  I.e., we would need to add two properties to the Course Presentation type, one to show or hide the survey button, and if show is selected a url field to contain the link to the suvery.  Anyone done this and willing to provide the high level steps?  Read through the docs but maybe I just missed it.

I am not interested in using a LRS, trying to keep it simple.

icc's picture

What platform are you using?
You should be able to do this similar to the Visual Changes, only that you use the alter_scripts hook/action instead to add a JavaScript file. In this JavaScript file, you can override and add new functions to the Course Presentation "class".

There's an example on how this is done in WordPress on GitHub. There are similar example for Moodle and Drupal.