Error in Moodle - unable to create file « 1/mod_hvp/cachedassets/0/756669af95f422f57d40acb90b2975e6164040f2.js »'s picture


All the activities H5P doesn't work anymore on Moodle (already 2 platforms with the same problem).

The error message is:


Impossible de créer le fichier « 1/mod_hvp/cachedassets/0/756669af95f422f57d40acb90b2975e6164040f2.js »

Plus d'informations sur cette erreur
Debug info: Duplicate entry '14bd43b8628ab7f80e7e182a6faef046eb2f143c' for key 'mdl_file_pat_uix'
INSERT INTO mdl_files (contextid,component,filearea,itemid,filepath,filename,timecreated,timemodified,userid,source,author,license,status,sortorder,contenthash,filesize,mimetype,pathnamehash) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)
[array (
0 => 1,
1 => 'mod_hvp',
2 => 'cachedassets',
3 => 0,
4 => '/',
5 => '756669af95f422f57d40acb90b2975e6164040f2.js',
6 => 1539609464,
7 => 1539609464,
8 => NULL,
9 => NULL,
10 => NULL,
11 => NULL,
12 => 0,
13 => 0,
14 => '5d4351360279fe3e628cb7ba6e4c41769a9c2be2',
15 => 160067,
16 => 'application/x-javascript',
17 => '14bd43b8628ab7f80e7e182a6faef046eb2f143c',
Error code: storedfilenotcreated
Stack trace:

    line 1450 of /lib/filestorage/file_storage.php: stored_file_creation_exception thrown
    line 275 of /mod/hvp/classes/file_storage.php: call to file_storage->create_file_from_string()
    line 2070 of /mod/hvp/library/h5p.classes.php: call to mod_hvp\file_storage->cacheAssets()
    line 115 of /mod/hvp/view.php: call to H5PCore->getDependenciesFiles()


My solution: backup courses with H5P activities - uninstall H5P - Install H5P again - restore courses

Is there a simplier solution?

Thanks for your answer


BV52's picture

Hi Christian,

I would suggest that you head over to these documentation prior to uninstalling th plugin:
