Error writing to database Debug: Column 'json_content' cannot be null
Moodle 3.1 on centos 7, mysql 5.7. Brand new installation of h5p. Is there something else I have to go and download in order for this plugin to work? I am able to navigate through the entire create activity functionality but when I go to save and display, I get the following error:
Default exception handler: Error writing to database Debug: Column 'json_content' cannot be null
INSERT INTO mdl_hvp (authors,changes,source,license,license_version,license_extras,author_comments,year_from,year_to,name,course,intro,introformat,json_content,embed_type,main_library_id,filtered,disable,timemodified,slug,timecreated) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)
[array (
0 => NULL,
1 => NULL,
2 => NULL,
3 => NULL,
4 => NULL,
5 => NULL,
6 => NULL,
7 => NULL,
8 => NULL,
9 => 'sky',
10 => '13072',
11 => '',
12 => '1',
13 => NULL,
14 => 'div',
15 => '14',
16 => '',
17 => 0,
18 => 1543615886,
19 => '',
20 => 1543615886,
Fri, 11/30/2018 - 23:32
Subscribing to my post so I
Subscribing to my post so I can see replies.
Mon, 12/03/2018 - 03:23
Hi dsoini,I think this is
Hi dsoini,
I think this is related to this post.