Forum for H5P SAAS

SparTacuS's picture

Hi All,

Can I request a Forum area for help/discussions etc for those of us trying out the service please. There does not appear to be any facility at the .com site for this and there are one or two slight differences from the .org and Wordpress setups.



BV52's picture

Hi SparTacuS,

Thank you for the suggestion. I will forward this to the core team.

In the meantime you post your questions in the .org site, the same team handles the questions from both .org and .com versions of H5P.


falcon's picture

@SparTacuS good idea, we'll get this set up, but it might take some time. Please note that during trial you should have contact information to a Joubel sales representative that will help you with any question you might have. If you move forward and become a paying customer you get access to our 24/5 priority support desc for


Yes, I think the addition of a rubric option to H5P would be awesome, and even better if it also offers the capability to grade the forum using a rubric!

Right now Moodle does not offer the option to add a rubric to a forum, therefore it is an area that could be developed and offered to the community. I have several colleagues in other universities that would adopt the H5P forum with grading via a rubric right away, if it is made available.

Thank you for your consideration to our requests.

Sam Villamizar