Better dependency downloader

serettig's picture


I wasn't really happy with the way the H5P-CLI tool downloads dependencies of libraries, so I created a new small application, which has several improvements over the somewhat outdated CLI tool:

  • The H5P CLI uses a static library information file. This means that changes in the dependencies of libraries might not be reflected. This application gets the dependencies directly from the library.
  • The library information used by the H5P CLI is out of date and can't be updated locally. This application adds its own more up-to-date list and tries to guess the location of unknown libraries on GitHub.
  • The H5P CLI tool does not download dependencies for the editor or libraries that are used in semantics.json but not in library.json.
  • The H5P CLI tool forces you to have GitHub account and to add your SSH key to GitHub.

You can find the application here on GitHub


BV52's picture

Hi Sebastian,

Thank you for the contribution, I created a review task here.
