Can Content Hub deliver "older" plugin versions?

Hey everyone,

first of all thanks for your work on this awesome library! Our client is using our H5P platform integration for Neos, and has notified us that content types "disappeared" - i.e. they can't be installed via the hub anymore. When I tried installing them via the command line, I got the following:

{"success":false,"message":"Validating h5p package failed.","errorCode":"VALIDATION_FAILED","details":[{"code":"api-version-unsupported","message":"The system was unable to install the <em><em>Agamotto<\/em><\/em> component from the package, it requires a newer version of the H5P plugin. This site is currently running version <em>1.14<\/em>, whereas the required version is <em>1.19<\/em> or higher. You should consider upgrading and then try again."},{"code":"api-version-unsupported","message":"The system was unable to install the <em><em>Image<\/em><\/em> component from the package, it requires a newer version of the H5P plugin. This site is currently running version <em>1.14<\/em>, whereas the required version is <em>1.19<\/em> or higher. You should consider upgrading and then try again."}]}


It seems like the hub only delivers libraries for the newest version of the H5P plugin. Is there a way to make the hub deliver the "older" versions as well, since it takes some time for us to upgrade the plugin to the nwest core version, and them some more time to get that deployed to the customer project. For producitve usage, it would be very helpful to have a reliable set of libraries that can be used no matter how old the core lib is. Otherwise we would be forced to keep following the H5P develpments and very quickly adapt each core version change, which out client won't like because it costs their time and money ;)

Thanks for helping me out here!


otacke's picture

Hi Bastian!

The Hub does not have that feature, but github allows you to retrieve previous releases (or any previous code state). The Agamotto releases can be found at and using you can build a h5p library from the code.

