Speak the words, tempo

MeesterGijs's picture


I experience the tempo in which my students have to speak (especially when learning a second language) is quite high. I created a quiz where they have to count to ten, but you have to be quite quick. Only solution now is to isolate each number with it's own question, but than they have to quick an endless amount of times (course will be: 1-100).

Can you help me? Can I lower the speed? Give my students more time?

PS: How secure is the future of H5P? And can I sponsor you guys to make sure you will still be there 5 years down the line?


BV52's picture

Hi Gijs,

Sorry for the late response.

The speak the words tempo is controlled within the content type itself. It is not well suited for long counting exercises but rather for single words or short phrases. We use this technology to interpret speech: https://github.com/TalAter/annyang/blob/master/docs/FAQ.md.

Regarding the security of H5P with the current growth trend there is no sign of slowing down. We should be up and running in 5 years and beyond but we thank you for offering support.


MeesterGijs's picture

Is there a way to change some of the code in the content type to accept a little bit more silence before giving feedback whether or not speech is correct?

BV52's picture

Hi Gijs,

I would think it is possible but my coding skills are novice at best and I'm not really sure how to implement this.
