Call for help: improving the German translation

serettig's picture


I'd like to see the German translation improved as there are still many untranslated strings around or texts that are unclear (in my opinion) or inconsistent. So I've created a Website for this at There you'll find a Weblate installation, which is an open source project that simplifies the translation process by hiding all the code details. So if you'd like to contribute to the effort, you can simply register there and add suggestions on changes. The whole project is described in more detail here:

(The website works for other languages as well, of course, but I can't review changes for other languages, as I don't feel comfortable beyond German and English.)


BV52's picture

Hi Sebastian,

Thank you for starting this and this would be a big boost to those that would like to help in the translations.


nadavkav's picture

Hi Sebastian,

I would LOVE to take responsibility for the Hebrew translation on your new website.

Looking forward for you to accept my request on your website.


Nadav Kavalerchik

Da bin ich mit dabei, wenn ich mal Zeit habe!

I'm in when I got more time

I've tried to connect many times, but the registration and now the site doesn't work


Hallo, ich arbeite zum ersten Mal mit H5P und habe folgende Frage:

Ich möchte gerne ein Quiz erstellen. Sobald ich jedoch auf "Speichern" gehe, ändert das Programm die Frage bzw. die Wörter. Wo kann man das abstellen?

Vielen Dank!


Das kann ich Ihnen leider nicht sagen, da es bei mir klappt, aber das sollten Sie bei den Kommentaren/Forum zu dem Quiz selbst fragen (auf Englisch) da wird Ihnen sicher weitergeholfen

serettig's picture

Sorry, the migration to caused a bug in the registation process (the old domain was still in use there), but is fixed now. If you still want to use it, you are free to try it out!
