Course presentation not uploading into

Detailed steps to reproduce the bug (exactly how and when did it happen)


I have a course presentation created directly at I wish to upload it to my account. I have enabled the download button and display lower toolbar option. I only see Reuse or Embed. If I click reuse I can download an H5P file with the correct extension but when I upload this into a number of required libraries are missing (course presentation, true/false, multichoice etc) and the upload fails. This is all done on a desktop. I have tried Chrome, Explore and Edge. 


I have tried this before with a personality quiz and a branching narrative and both uploaded with no problems using the same workflow/tools. 


I have created a course presentation from scratch in and then tried to upload the file from .org but this doesn't work either. 


Please can you advise if there is a solution, or if I will need to copy and paste the content over into a brand new course presentation


BV52's picture


This is happening because there is a new update to Course Presentation. Updates are released in 1-2 weeks prior to its release in This is to ensure that there are no teething problems that comes out of the new update.
