Enter fullscreen does not work in Drupal 7

papi Jo's picture

When editing an H5P content in Drupal 7 the Enter fullscreen link does display the current content editing page in fullscreen, but the Proceed to save and Exit fullscreen buttons/links are not displayed, so that it's impossible to continue and save one's edit.

Drupal 7.67

H5P 7.x-1.46

BV52's picture

Hi Papi Jo,

Which browser are you using so that I can check and file a bug report?


papi Jo's picture

Bug happens on all my 3 browsers:

Firefox 70.0.1 (64 bits)

Google Chrome Version 78.0.3904.108 (64 bits)

Microsoft Edge 44.18362.449.0


BV52's picture

Hi Papi Jo,

Thank you for reporting this, I've created a bug report. I also discovered that when the Drupal shortcuts are minimized you can see albeit very small the bottom of the "Proceed to save" button.


papi Jo's picture

Found the solution to fix this "bug". In my Drupal 7 admin interface I was using the Overlay feature. The Drupal 7 documentation says that "In a Standard install, the Overlay module is enabled by default."

It so happens that the H5P editor "FullScreen" feature conflicts with the Drupal 7 Overlay feature. I de-activated the Overlay on my Drupal 7 site and now the H5P editor "FullScreen" feature works as expected!