Video user info submission

Hello Guys,

Please i want to ask if i can make a form and show it for the user to enter his name in the begining of an interactive video,

* i need an text input filed to show in interactive video,

*I'm using a H5P in wordpress

Thanks in advance for your help,

input text field
BV52's picture

Hi m7md_ali,

Free Text in Interactive Video should be able to handle this.


Hello BV, 
I'd like to thank you for help and reply,

at the begining of the interactive video, a form with two fields (like attached image), i need the user to fill his data before starting the video, 

i need an input filed only, which is not available in in Interactive video content,

thanks in advance for your kind help,


BV52's picture

Hi m7md_ali,

I'm afraid Free Text is the closest that you can get in Interactive Video wto waht you would like to accomplish. I created a simple content here.