H5P Moodle Integration
Submitted by jopmedina on Sun, 03/01/2020 - 13:32
Dear community, I'm a state secondary teacher from Spain. I'm currently running a Moodle service which I host in my own computer. I was kind of excited to see H5P potential, but I must confess this excitement has worn thin after realizing teachers cannot browse through the students answers. This makes no sense to me, so I must be doing something wrong. Students work should result in some kind of outcome teachers can handle for assessing purposes. The thing is there is no outcome to be handled. I've tested out both "Documentation Tool" and "Essays" in vain Any suggestions?
Sun, 03/01/2020 - 23:36
Hi jopmedina!H5P does support
Hi jopmedina!
H5P does support moodle's gradebook, but Documentation Tool in particular does not and the required update of Essay is pending.
Mon, 03/02/2020 - 00:24
Great news!
Thanks a lot for your answer and time.
That's great news!
Moodle has an assignment module which enables students to attach files or write directly in an answer box. This is great for essays, for example. Students can either submit attached files or write in an answer box. The former choice is very convenient for teachers, since they can download attachments easily, but students are forced to use an external text editor and then move onto the whole submission process. Conversely, the latter choice is a breeze for students, but it's a nightmare for teachers, as they have no file to work on. If H5P guys come up with a complete gradebook integration, that would be just the job, an amazing solution for both for students and teachers alike!
Mon, 03/02/2020 - 08:43
Hi jopmedina!The software H5P
Hi jopmedina!
The software H5P will continue to focus on content interaction across host systems like moodle, WordPress, etc. Still, the code for gradebook integration of Essay is done already and is just waiting to be released.