Image size

Hi! For using H5P on WordPress is it recommendable to use as smallest possible images or it doesn't matter? 

otacke's picture

Hi SpeakCRO!

I am not sure if I understand your question. The resolution/size of images completely depends on what your goal is and is not bound to H5P or WordPress. If your image would have to fill a full HD desktop, for instance, that you should use that resolution if you want images to be crisp. If you don't require full screen resolutions, you could go for lower quality.


I'm sorry, I wasn't clear enough. Let's say that I'm using H5P Dialog cards and the image size that I need for the cards is approximately 270 x 270 px, I don't need a big image for that. The photo which I want to use has it's original size of 1080 x 1080 px. Is it OK to use my image in the original size or it's recommendable to make it smaller? Will the use of the original image size (which is big and heavy) make my web site heavier and slower?

otacke's picture

Hi SpeakCRO!

Most often there is no absolute size limit for H5P content as you never know what resolution the user might be using.

But, of course: in general, not bound to H5P, using higher resolution images (of the same type) will have a larger file size, resulting in higher demands to storage space, memory, bandwidth, etc.



Thank you!

otacke's picture

"Da nicht für!", as you'd say in Northern Germany :-)