Single Choice: feedback on correct/incorrect answer

Mex-John's picture

Hi again. I'm really enjoying working with H5P. I'm currently using single choice posters in interactive videos, so that the user has to click the correct answer from a set of alternatives. I'd like to give the user feedback for each alternative they select, or at least one feedback comment for all correct or all incorrect responses, but can't figure out how to do this. I assumed that the adaptivity messages would display such feedback, but they don't. Am I missing something? Thanks.

Mex-John's picture

OK, I see that inserting a time code under 'adaptivity' results in the feedback being displayed. The time code needs to be the instant immediately after the question is displayed. The need for a timecode isn't immediately intuitive to me, but then again most of science is non-intuitive (thus flat-earthers), so... BTW, It'd be great if H5P could accept increments of seconds (e.g. not only "0.05", but also "0:058"... Thanks