export/import content to XLIFF script
Has anyone done this yet? Is there a good reason why I shouldn't try to do this myself?
We are translating a bunch of content in H5P activities we created. It would be great to be able to automatically export the content into XLIFF format--the format used by many Computer-assisted Translation tools, I'm lead to believe. I'm thinking of creating a script (maybe a website?) where you can bulk export H5P content into XLIFF format (and maybe other formats) and then later import the translated XLIFF back into a new copy of the H5P activity. It seems very doable with all the content in the content.json file.
Has anyone done this yet? I don't see it anywhere.
Anything I should be aware of? I'm an Instructional Designer, not a professional coder, but have experience with HTML5, Javascript, Node, etc.
Is there a good reason nobody's done this yet (other than just not high enough priority).
Thanks for any info you can give me.
Stay Safe,