Disable repeating of Quiz

Hello everyone!

I was wondering if there was a possibility of disabling the function of repeating the quiz. Even if the Repeat-Button is not enabled (for every task as well as for the whole quiz - Question Set), the students are able to repeat the quiz after waiting a few hours. Is this a bug or am I overlooking something?

Thanks in advance!

Disable repeating of Quiz
otacke's picture

Hi jnngmbl!

You're overlooking the fact that the state of an exercise is not saved unless you activate the "Save Content State" options and your users are logged in. Without saving (and restoring) the previous state, reloading the page will allow to start fresh.


Hi Oliver!

Thank you for your answer. Unfortunately I can't finde the option "Save Content State" - I'm using the german Moodle module, if that matters. I think it should stll be available?

Best Regards!

otacke's picture

Hi jnngmbl!

In German it's "Inhaltsstatus speichern" (mod_hvp | enable_save_content_state) in "H5P-Einstellungen".
