Where are we at with H5p for Moodle in French?

Greeting everyone,

As I am browsing through the translation forums I'm a bit lost when it comes to what has been done so far, in what language and for what platform (wordpress, dupra, moodle).

I'm an instructional designer using Moodle for my work and hoping to integrate H5P activities to my courses in French, but I have several questions:

  1. What are the H5P activities translation files already available in french for the Moodle LMS ?
  2. How do I integrate the french translation file in my Moodle directory and tell H5p to refer to that file ?

If someone can help understand the mechanic a bit better by showing me how to set-up a sample activity , I would be more than happy to help in the translation effort for further french translation.











tim's picture

Hi Michel,

I'm currently working on an overview for the translation status for all of the H5P Content types and it should be released soon.

In the meantime, feel free to look at each of them here:


If you create an account on CrowdIn.com you'll be able to contribute translations as well. The translations should be released every time the content type is released.