Quiz Notification Email

Standard Moodle Quiz

Permissions > Capability

"Get a notoifcation message when an attempt is submitted"

I notice this isnt built into a Moddle quiz.

Any ideas how to get around this?  Any suggestions appreciated.

Thanks for reading.


falcon's picture

You want H5P to be able to send the creator of the H5P a message when the H5P has been submitted? That isn't possible at the moment. You would have to add more code I think, but there might be modules for this without me being aware of it.

Nope, it looks like its not available right now.

Not a disaster, we are going to add a non H5P quiz with a single question, "are you happy to submit this as your completed work" etc etc,  then take an email from that.


falcon's picture

Hi, thank you for that. I hope developers in the H5P community or the platform communities (Moodle community for instance) will create plugins that facilitate this. H5P works with many different platforms and we don't want to integrate with the e-mail systems on all these different platforms. It is better if there are modules for each platform that handles this based on our xAPI integration.