Drag and Drop, hyperlink open to pop-up resets to same window.

Been seeing an issue with the Drag and Drop content type. A few days ago this worked just fine. In edit it works correctly, but now whenever I SAVE and VIEW the content I created, the hypertext is opened in the same window instead of in a new pop-up. 

fnoks's picture


When you add the link, you must chose target -> New Window (_blank). Did you do that?


I've tried both, and in  edit they both work see (img bug1 and bug2). However, after I save and click the same link in view as I did in edit it open the content instead. (see last window) When I go back to edit it is reset to open in a new window, but it just opens the content, no new window even.


thomasmars's picture

Thanks for the bug report, this is indeed a problem. I have created an issue for it at: https://h5ptechnology.atlassian.net/browse/HFP-825, where you can follow along with the progress.

Meanwhile you can use target _blank to open the links in a new tab by default, this should give you some of the same functionality at least.


Glad to be of help!
Great tools for any teacher!
Thanks and keep it coming! 

I can't see an option to use target _blank when using a url link. Looking at the sourcecode it seems all links are automatically allocated to open a new window. Is there a way to change this to opening in the same window?