Unable to create my own h5p content

Hi ,

I have created and installed the drupal7 in xamp. And I want to add an interactive content into it for that I have been added h5p module in drupal. Enabled h5p editor and h5p libraries and saved the changes.

Now I am able to view all the h5p default libraries in the drop down when I clicked Add Content>Interative Content and also when I click any library, it opens in edit mode I can edit all the settings but as soon as I click on the Preview button it prompts the list of error on it. Please see the screenshot attached. I have been tried to preview summary component.

I am new to drupal as well as to h5p. Please help me out if I am missing any step. I have tried this with all the libraries of h5p and all are prompting the error. 

I have been using the latest module of h5p for drupal that is 7.x-1.28 release date is 2017-Apr-12 from official site of drupal.


fnoks's picture


Preview of H5Ps is not supported, but you definitively should not get those PHP notices and warnings. I have created an issue for it here: https://h5ptechnology.atlassian.net/browse/HFP-999.

If you skip the preview, and save the node, you should be okay.

Yes it is working when I save the node