Import not possible
Submitted by xcr42 on Mon, 04/28/2014 - 01:16
I am getting the following after exporting and trying to import:
A valid content folder is missing
The uploaded file was not a valid H5P package
I am getting the following after exporting and trying to import:
A valid content folder is missing
The uploaded file was not a valid H5P package
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Wed, 05/07/2014 - 14:08
Drupal: Can not upload "Content types" > 32 Mb
Great project and great product!
I want to promote it through the CMS and LMS systems I offer to my customers.
My current problem: I want to try out especially the "interactive video" content type.
Yesterday, I have installed H5P in my Drupal site and successfully added all "content types", except "Interactive video" (613.h5p , 44.1 Mb) and "Iframe embedder" (618.h5p , 35.7 Mb).
When uploading, I get the following error message: "The file could not be saved because it exceeds 32 MB, the maximum allowed size for uploads."
Indeed, all other modules were smaller than 32 Mb.
I asked my webserver provider repeatedly to increase the "post size" in PHP.ini (I can't access) and this indeed was set to 15 Mb. When he increased this to 70 Mb, I managed to upload those between 15 and 32 Mb, but with those biggest ones, I hit another limitation and I can't find it...
As a workaround, I changed the extension of the 613.h5p to .zip, unzipped it, found 2 MP4 videos, replaced them with 2 small ones and with exactly the same name, zipped it back to .ZIP, changed the extension again to .h5p: Result = a file (Named "613-s.h5p") with only 12.2 Mb.
Tried to upload this content type and got another error message: See attached file. (Change the extension from ".h5p" to ".png" to view it)
Thanks for your help!
Filip Delannoy
H5P Group
Wed, 05/07/2014 - 17:59
I don't know why you got the
I don't know why you got the error messages you got, but you need to change both "upload_max_filesize" and "post_max_size" in php.ini to allow users to upload big files.
Wed, 05/07/2014 - 22:41
Problem solved!
Indeed, I asked my service provider to increase also "upload_max_filesize" and it worked!
The only type I am missing now is "iFrame embedding".
H5P Group
Wed, 05/07/2014 - 17:56
Re: Original post
We need more info to help you with this. If you for instance could provide a link to a page with this error it would help a lot.