Course Presentation - random slide order

pernin's picture

Course Presentation
Drag and Drop
Drupal 7

Still on the customization for the exhibition kiosk, but decided to start a new topic as the other one got a bit crowded ;)

To recap: we're doing a kiosk app for an exhibition, with questions & images using Drag-and-Drop in Course Presentation (1 slide = 1 question). We have about 60 questions/slides grouped into different themes of 4-6 questions/slides each. For that, Course Presentation is ideal, even if we only use the drag-and-drop submodule: it simplifies navigation, and the drag-and-drop has integrated comments which we absolutely need (the stand-alone module doesn't have any comments field).

The problem we now have is that the museum wants an item with all questions/slides in mixed order. We have thought of two/three different ways to approach this:

case 1. is there a way we can pick the individual slides in each course presentation? we could then either feed them to a mega course presentation or to another way of showing them (a drupal book, for example). I've checked the mysql database, but individual slides are not different records

case 2. if we do this manually, twice, i.e. load up each thematic course presentation with their slides, and then manuallay reload everything but in on big course presentation, is there a way to randomize the order of the slides in the big presentation (or simply change the order, doesn't have to be random, could just start somewhere arbitrary, with or without cycling at the end)

case 3. we could use the stand-alone drag-and-drop, and group the questions using Drupal (book, views, taxonomy, etc.). The problem here is that the stand-alone Drag-and-Drop has no comments. How do we get comments into Drag-and-Drop, or can we separate teh Drag-and-Drop with comments from the Course Presentation?


If it where my project I would add this as a new feature to Coursepresentation. I would also have contributed the feature to the project. It should be fairly simple to add this feature as long as you don't use the continuous text feature.