Enable / Disable certain H5P content types as moodle-plugin

How can it be set-up that when using H5P as a plugin in moodle only the tool "interactive video" is usable/visible. It can then be chosen as a "activity" inside the moodle course.

Although the other content types such as collage or chart are attractive we want to disable all of them for the moment in the moodle-context.

fnoks's picture


The H5P plugin supports the feature to restrict content types. I.e. from the library admin list you can restrict all libraries except Interactive Video. Then you would need to remove the permission to create restricted H5Ps from the relevant role(s).

many thanks, yes we saw this in moodle also and will test everything in depth



In case anyone needs it, that permission is mod/hvp:userestrictedlibraries. Took me a while to find it :)

BV52's picture

Hi ebannister,

Thank you for sharing this.