Download Content from Moodle doesn't allow .h5p

Hi again,

If I download my content created in Moodle it downloads as a .zip file which I then can't upload in another course. Is this a Moodle glitch or am I missing something really simple?



BV52's picture

Hi Colin,

How are you downloading the content? When was the last time you were able to download the content as H5P as oppose to ZIP? Where there any recent changes prior to this happening?


Hi, I am downloading the content via the download link under the activity directly in Moodle. The hover  text says download as a .hp5 file but then it downloads a .zip full of folders and a hp5.json file.

This is the first time I have directly created content in Moodle and then tried this. 




tomaj's picture

Hi Colin,

A .h5p file is actually just a renamed .zip file. So it is correct. A .h5p file should be self containd, and keep all the files and data needed to recreate content.

- Tom

If I try and upload the .zip into Moodle via the content creator it says it's not a valid .h5p file. Do I need to do something else?



If I download content from the file extension of the download is .h5p if I do this from Moodle the file extension is .zip. If I try and upload content into Moodle in the screen (see attached) as a .zip it tells me that it is not a valid .hp5 file. If I change the file extension of the .zip to .h5p I get the screenshot shown. What am I doing wrong?

tomaj's picture

Hi Colin,

It's difficult to say what the problem is.

Can you send the .h5p file to, and I can take a look at it, and come with some specific feedback. 

Also link to this forum thread in the email.

- Tom


I have the same problem as discribed by Colin.
Is there already a solution to this problem?

Kind regards,

BV52's picture

Hi Erica,

I'm not really sure since the e-mail is hard to track but if the file is less that 16MB you should be able to attach it here so that we can check.


I cant upload the file, ZIP is not allowed... When i press download, i get a ZIP file. With lots of other files in it.
i tried to upload that file as a new H5P-activity but its not recongnized as a usable file.

It exactly as descirbed in this post...

BV52's picture

Hi Erica,

Can you please check if changing the file extension from ZIP to H5P will do the trick. If not you should be able to upload the file here.


I tried to change the extentsion (good to know that my line of thinking was correct). I can sellect the file in moodle, but when i save, i get an error 'you have to select a content type'. So it does not save.

I have attached the h5p file i have made by changing the extention. The zip as created by using the download button cant be uploaded on this site.


H5P file: 
BV52's picture

Hi Erica,

For some reason I was able to upload the file without any issues. If you are still unable to upload it I suggest that you check for any PHP errors.



Well, strange!! thanks for your help.
I will look further in to this!

Kind regards

For what it's worth, a workaround to the above problem, which is happening on our Moodle (v 3.5.8).

Download your asset from Moodle. It downloads as a .zip. This will not upload to another Moodle course even if you rename the extension to H5P. However....

Rename the extension to .H5P. Upload it your H5P account. Upload accepted. Now download it from your H5P account. It downloads as an .H5P file. Upload this to your Moodle course.
